On Wednesday, May 22, 2024, a seminar was held at the Swedish Parliament to discuss the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and the importance of designating it as a terrorist organization within the European Union.
The seminar was organized by Mr. Nima Gholam Ali Pour, a member of parliament for the Sweden Democrats, and Mr. Torsten Elofsson, a member of parliament for the Christian Democrats.
Dr. Ardavan M. Khoshnood, an associate professor at Lund University in Sweden, began the seminar by presenting a brief overview of the IRGC, with a particular focus on the organization’s terrorist activities abroad.
Following this, Mr. Amir Mohseni, an Iranian-Swedish lawyer based in Stockholm, presented a legal framework on how the IRGC can be designated as a terrorist organization in accordance with current European Union laws.
The seminar concluded with a panel discussion featuring Mr. Arvin Khoshnood (Iran expert), Mr. Magnus Norell (terrorism expert), and Mr. Amir Mohseni (lawyer).
For this seminar, a comprehensive booklet was prepared. It provides an overview of the IRGC, its Qods Force, and its malign activities. Additionally, it includes the full legal background required to designate the IRGC as a terrorist organization in the EU. The booklet also contains an initial proposal that Sweden (or other members of the EU) can use to provide the EU with the necessary evidence for this designation.
The booklet can be downloaded below. Appendix 3, which refers to the court verdict Zarei v. Iran, can also be downloaded below.