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Seminar at the Swedish Parliament on the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps
On Wednesday, May 22, 2024, a seminar was held at the Swedish Parliament to discuss the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and the importance of designating it as a terrorist organization within the European Union. The seminar was organized by Mr. Nima Gholam Ali Pour, a member of parliament for…
Seminar at the European Parliament
On April 4th, a pivotal seminar titled “IRGC is NOT an Organ of a Nation-State, but a Terrorist Organization” took place at the European Parliament. The event was organized under the auspices of the ECR Group in the European Parliament and the esteemed Member of Parliament, Mr. Charlie Weimers, a…
My speech on the anniversary of the Islamic revolution
On February 11, a demonstration was held in Malmö to draw attention to the Islamic Republic of Iran’s crimes against human rights. This day was chosen because it is the anniversary of the Islamic revolution. The following is my speech on that day in Malmö. Dear compatriots and friends, Today,…
A Critical Reflection on MP Ali Reza Akhondi’s Political Stance and Actions
In the last months, I have faced immense pressure from my Iranian compatriots because of my silence on the activities of Mr. Ali Reza Akhondi, a Member of Parliament in Sweden. As a staunch opponent of the Islamic regime in Iran, my silence might seem unusual. However, it was because…
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TV and radio
Invandrare dömda för sexualbrott
Ny studie: Ju kortare tid i Sverige desto vanligare att dömas för våldtäkt
اجلاس حقوق بشر در ژنو و دعوت از پهلوی در گفتگو با دکتر اردوان خشنود
درگیری در سوریه تا رهبری پهلوی سوم در گفتگو با دکتر اردوان خشنود
درگذشت کیانوش سنجری
اردوان خوشنود: شاهزاده رضا پهلوی خمینی نیست و قابل انتقاد است
ترامپ و تغییر رژیم در ایران، پر کردن خلا قدرت، با هومن خلیلی، عبدالرضا احمدی و دکتر اردوان خشنود
Aftonbladet krim: Mordet på mamman i Akalla
در جنگ میان اسراییل و رژیم اهریمنی اتحادیه اروپا در کجا ایستاده است؟گفتگو با دکتر اردوان خشنود
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Mass Media
Association between endostatin and mortality in patients with acute dyspnoea, with or without congestive heart failure: a single-centre, prospective, observational study
Objective: The aim of this study was to assess associations between endostatin levels and short-term mortality in unsorted acute hospitalised dyspnoea patients with or without congestive heart failure (CHF), adjusted for common cardiovascular risk factors. Design, setting and participants In this prospective observational study, 723 hospitalised patients who visited the emergency department at Skåne University…
Healthcare efforts for the “invisible” with opioid problems must improve.
Despite the fact that the majority of those who die from opioid overdoses have been in contact with healthcare, social services, or the justice system, a new analysis shows that a large group – nearly half – lacks significant care connections related to their drug problems. To strengthen preventive efforts against overdoses, a change in…
A novel interpretable deep learning model for diagnosis in emergency department dyspnoea patients based on complete data from an entire health care system
Background Dyspnoea is one of the emergency department’s (ED) most common and deadly chief complaints, but frequently misdiagnosed and mistreated. We aimed to design a diagnostic decision support which classifies dyspnoeic ED visits into acute heart failure (AHF), exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (eCOPD), pneumonia and “other diagnoses” by using deep learning and complete,…
Schweden: 2022 waren ausschließlich Migranten unter den verurteilten Bandenmördern
Der Kriminologe Ardavan Khoshnood bewertete die Ergebnisse als signifikant: „Besonders interessant an dieser Untersuchung ist, dass nicht nur eine Überrepräsentation festgestellt wurde, sondern dass 100 Prozent der Verurteilten ausländische Wurzeln hatten. Das ist eine enorme Überrepräsentation im Vergleich zur Einwandererbevölkerung des Landes“, zitiert Bulletin den Experten.
Nejvíc znásilňují přistěhovalci a jejich potomci. Naše dívky považují za vyzývavé, míní autor švédské studie
Třiašedesát procent odsouzených za sexuální trestné činy ve Švédsku má přistěhovalecký původ. V zahraničí se buď sami narodili, nebo odtud pochází alespoň jeden z jejich rodičů. K takovému závěru dospěla skupina vědců z Lundské univerzity, kteří zmapovali přes čtyři tisíce osob odsouzených za znásilnění a pokus o znásilnění v letech 2000 až 2020.
Ministern: Utbildning ska få migranter att våldta mindre
Utlandsfödda begår mer än hälften av alla våldtäktsbrott i Sverige. Det var slutsatsen i en ny forskningsstudie publicerad vid Lunds universitet. Trots att överrepresentationen varit känd i decennier är det först nu som staten påstår att man vill försöka göra något åt saken.