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Seminar at the Swedish Parliament on the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps

Seminar at the Swedish Parliament on the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps

On Wednesday, May 22, 2024, a seminar was held at the Swedish Parliament to discuss the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and the importance of designating it as a terrorist organization within the European Union. The seminar was organized by Mr. Nima Gholam Ali Pour, a member of parliament for…

A Critical Reflection on MP Ali Reza Akhondi’s Political Stance and Actions

A Critical Reflection on MP Ali Reza Akhondi’s Political Stance and Actions

In the last months, I have faced immense pressure from my Iranian compatriots because of my silence on the activities of Mr. Ali Reza Akhondi, a Member of Parliament in Sweden. As a staunch opponent of the Islamic regime in Iran, my silence might seem unusual. However, it was because…

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Mass Media

Lethal injuries in single stabs to the trunk – A study on homicides and suicides in Sweden

Introduction Homicides using knives or other sharp objects are the most common type of homicide in Europe, and the second most common type of homicide worldwide. In contrast, suicides using sharp objects are rarer, constituting only a few per cent of all suicides in western countries. We investigated single stab injuries to the trunk in…

The Illusion of Choice: Islamic Republic’s Presidential Elections

After the death of Ebrahim Raisi in a helicopter crash, the Islamic Republic of Iran announced new presidential elections. The Guardian Council, a key body loyal to Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, rigorously vetted and excluded candidates, ensuring only regime-approved individuals could run. The superficial conservative versus reformist narrative highlights that approved candidates, including the so-called…