Will the sabotage at the Natanz nuclear facility harm both Iran’s nuclear program and the JCPOA?

Will the sabotage at the Natanz nuclear facility harm both Iran’s nuclear program and the JCPOA?

Intelligence Analysis expert Dr Ardavan Khoshnood, points out: ”Once the US has rejoined the JCPOA, Iran will likely consider itself free to carry out more spirited aacks on Israel and Israeli interests, either directly or through its proxy Shiite milias in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq or Yemen.”

Will the sabotage at the Natanz nuclear facility harm both Iran’s nuclear program and the JCPOA?

Will the sabotage at the Natanz nuclear facility harm both Iran’s nuclear program and the JCPOA?

After the sabotage, some Iranian media and hardliners in the parliament demanded that Rouhani pull out of the Vienna negotiations. Intelligence Analysis expert Dr Ardavan Khoshnood, points out: ”Once the US has rejoined the JCPOA, Iran will likely consider itself free to carry out more spirited attacks on Israel and Israeli interests, either directly or…

Will the sabotage at the Natanz nuclear facility harm both Iran’s nuclear program and the JCPOA?

Will the sabotage at the Natanz nuclear facility harm both Iran’s nuclear program and the JCPOA?

Intelligence Analysis expert Dr Ardavan Khoshnood, points out: ”Once the US has rejoined the JCPOA, Iran will likely consider itself free to carry out more spirited attacks on Israel and Israeli interests, either directly or through its proxy Shiite militias in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq or Yemen.”

Sabotage at the Natanz nuclear facility to harm Iran, JCOPA

Sabotage at the Natanz nuclear facility to harm Iran, JCOPA

Intelligence Analysis expert Dr Ardavan Khoshnood, points out: ”Once the US has rejoined the JCPOA, Iran will likely consider itself free to carry out more spirited attacks on Israel and Israeli interests, either directly or through its proxy Shiite militias in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq or Yemen.”As Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has vowed not to…

Interpellationsdebatt: Trygghet för alla kvinnor

Interpellationsdebatt: Trygghet för alla kvinnor

Nyligen publicerades forskningsrapporten Swedish rape offenders – a latent class analysis av Ardavan Khoshnood m. fl., där forskarna har kartlagt variabler och egenskaper hos samtliga personer dömda för våldtäkt eller försök till våldtäkt under åren 2000–2015. Rapporten visar att en majoritet, närmare bestämt 59 procent, av de våldtäktsdömda männen har invandrarbakgrund. De flesta av dem…

Ergebnis kriminologische studie in Schweden: Über die Hälfte der sexuellen Übergriffe von Tätern mit Migrationshintergrund

Ergebnis kriminologische studie in Schweden: Über die Hälfte der sexuellen Übergriffe von Tätern mit Migrationshintergrund

Die Studie der vier schwedischen Forscher wurde im September 2020 fertiggestellt und erschien nun im Fachblatt Forensic Sciences Research. Ardavan Khoshnood (im Iran geboren), Henrik Ohlsson, Jan Sundquist und Kristina Sundquist von der Universität Malmö erfassten Daten zu Tätern zwischen 15 und 60 Jahren, die entweder wegen versuchter oder vollendeter Vergewaltigung verurteilt wurden.