The case of the Swedish school gunman who police won’t name

The case of the Swedish school gunman who police won’t name

Ardavan Khoshnood, a researcher in criminology from Lund University, said police had been slow to present information to the public. “I believe that the reason for that is the magnitude of the attack,” he added. “I believe that the reason why the police have been a little slow with giving out information is that they…

Sweden’s worst mass shooting follows recent wave of gun violence

Sweden’s worst mass shooting follows recent wave of gun violence

Sweden is reeling after 11 people died following a shooting in the city of Örebro. It’s being called the worst mass shooting in the Swedish history. Ardavan Khoshnood is an associate professor at Lund University who researches gun violence in the Sweden. He joined the show to from the southern Swedish city of Malmö.

New Study on Migration and Crime in Sweden

New Study on Migration and Crime in Sweden

A new study from Lund University in Sweden shows that men with an immigrant background are clearly overrepresented in Swedish rape convictions. The study, “Immigrant Background and Rape Conviction: A 21-Year Follow-Up Study in Sweden”, was recently published in “Journal of interpersonal violence”. The authors, Ardavan Khoshnood, Jan Sundqvist and Kristina Sundqvist, are all doctoral…