The West’s Role in the Shah’s Overthrow

The West’s Role in the Shah’s Overthrow

On January 16, 1979, Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi, who had ruled Iran for nearly thirty-eight years, left the country in the face of a nationwide popular revolution—never to return. Shortly after his departure, it became known that the deposed monarch suffered from advanced cancer, and on July 27, 1980, he passed away in Cairo, at…

The fires in Malmö require national measures [Swedish]

The fires in Malmö require national measures [Swedish]

Today it is Malmö that is on fire. Tomorrow it may be your city. What is happening now in Malmö is a national matter and requires action at the national level. Change the practice of arrest and detention and establish emergency courts for young individuals under 18 years of age. These are two of several…

The Rosengård Report is still Current [Swedish]

The Rosengård Report is still Current [Swedish]

More than 300 Swedes are fighting for ISIS and can at the time of the writing of this article be involved in planning attacks against Europe. Therefore, it is no surprise that a Swedish man is now being prosecuted on suspicion of involvement in the terrorist attack in Brussels. The report, which warned early on…

The Death of an Emperor – Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi and his Political Cancer
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The Death of an Emperor – Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi and his Political Cancer

Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, the Shah of Iran, was toppled in the Islamic Revolution of 1979. A year later he passed away from lymphoma, a disease he had secretly battled for several years, but still it remains unknown exactly when he was diagnosed with cancer, if he was aware of his condition and who close to…

Therefore, the criticism of the Swedish Security Police is unjustified [Swedish]
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Therefore, the criticism of the Swedish Security Police is unjustified [Swedish]

The criticism directed at the Swedish Security Police, Säpo, in connection with the arrest of a man suspected of preparing for a terrorist crime, is understandable but unjustified. Intelligence analysis is a complex science that, together with respect for the rule of law, makes Säpo’s work even more difficult.